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Simply Splendid Bouquet
Make a floral fashion statement! Hand-delivered in a leaf-wrapped cylinder vase, this stylish bouquet is a sophisticated mix of roses, hydrangea and alstroemeria that's outstanding for any occasion. |
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Always a Lady
A romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression |
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Beautiful Love Bouquet
Simply beautiful, just like your love! Celebrate your feelings with this extraordinary bouquet of pink and white roses, accented with delicate greens and arranged in a graceful glass vase. |
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Beautiful Whisper
A whisper-quiet affirmation of love. Subtle shadings of pink and white roses, lilies and other delicate seasonal flowers in a simple, elegant vase. |
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Blossoms in Vogue
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style… all it needs is its own runway. |
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Bright & Cheery Vase Arangement
Our choice of bold colors make this arrangement stand out from the others. |
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Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet
Color any occasion beautiful with this lovely bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies in all the colors of the rainbow. |
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Eternal Love Bouquet
This bouquet features 18 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. |
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Garden Girl Bouquet
Fun and feminine, this hot pink bouquet is reminiscent of a spring garden party with friends! Stunning roses, delicate alstroemeria and dramatic snapdragons are hand-delivered in a classic cube vase lined with a green leaf - a surprise gift that'll touch her heart, no matter the occasion. |
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Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of roses, alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile |
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