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Total Search Results: [ 11 ]

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Blooming Brilliant Bouquet
Add a touch of sparkle to Mom's day with Teleflora's Blooming Brilliant cylinder, boasting a crushed glass texture and a soft ballerina pink hue, perfect for showcasing a dreamy Mother's Day bouquet

Blooming Brilliant Bouquet


Garden Beauty Bouquet
Pour on the springtime charm with this delightful garden bouquet, presented in a charming stoneware pitcher with beautiful aqua glaze. Food-safe, it's two gifts in one!

Garden Beauty Bouquet


Iridescent Delight Bouquet
What a delight! Overflowing with pink roses and lavender blooms, this decadent Mother's Day bouquet shines in an iridescent pink glass vase that Mom is sure to adore.

Iridescent Delight Bouquet


Lavender in Bloom
Ooh-la-lavender! Take their breath away with this luxurious lavender rose bouquet, presented to perfection in a lovely lavender purple glass vase with shimmering iridescent finish.

Lavender in Bloom


Lavender Whimsy Bouquet
Wish her a Mother's Day of wonder and whimsy with Teleflora's Lavender Whimsy Bouquet featuring a breathtaking rose and lily bouquet in this stunning geometric glass vase.

Lavender Whimsy Bouquet


Lush Garden Bouquet
Fresh from the garden, this special refreshing rose bouquet is arranged in a glorious sage green glass lantern with golden handle and embossed design.

Lush Garden Bouquet


Pretty love Bouquet
Keep 'em blushing this Valentine's Day with the prettiest pink roses, presented to perfection in a sculpted pink glass vase with a fabulously frosted, faux mercury glass finish.

Pretty love Bouquet


Rosy Swirls Bouquet
Capture Mom's heart with our pearlescent Teleflora's Rosy Swirls vase, radiating elegance and charm, paired with a bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms, a delightful Mother's Day surprise she'll cherish.

Rosy Swirls Bouquet


Sparkling Delight Bouquet
Sparkle up her Mother's Day with Teleflora's Sparkling Delight Bouquet, featuring a breathtaking bouquet of roses, lilies, and lavender accents elegantly presented in a sculpted glass vase with a lavender mercury-inspired finish.

Sparkling Delight Bouquet


Sweetest Flutter Bouquet
Gift mom the artisanal charm she loves with our Teleflora's Sweetest Flutter glazed ceramic pitcher, adorned with embossed butterfly detail and a natural base, perfect for year-round use and sure to add a touch of elegance to any table setting.

Sweetest Flutter Bouquet




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