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We offer numerous specialty flower arrangements throughout the year.   Each holiday brings a special feeling to your heart, share that feeling with someone else.

 Our Seasonal Calendar includes:
New Years, Valentines Day, St. Patrick's Day, Palm Sunday, Passover, Easter, Mothers Day, Memorial Day, Fathers Day, Independence Day, Grandparents Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah,  Christmas, and many more! 

  We will customize every order.  Please contact us early for special requests.

Check back often to see Daffodils specials.

Total Search Results: [ 10 ]

Item Name Image

Beautiful Love Bouquet
Simply beautiful, just like your love! Celebrate your feelings with this extraordinary bouquet of pink and white roses, accented with delicate greens and arranged in a graceful glass vase.

Beautiful Love Bouquet


Blossoms in Vogue
Blow someone away with a bouquet that has so much style… all it needs is its own runway.

Blossoms in Vogue


Colorful Roses
One dozen bright and cheery roses arranged in a romantic vase with complementing greens and fillers will make anyone happy when receiving these flowers. (Color selections: Yellow, Pink, Red, Peach)
Please allow extra time for special color requests.

Colorful Roses


Eternal Love Bouquet
This bouquet features 18 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf.

Eternal Love Bouquet


Half a Dozen Roses
A tasteful way to show you care. Six exquisite roses are arranged just right for that someone special. Choose from red, white, pink or yellow roses.

Half a Dozen Roses


Lavender Charm Bouquet
A soothing sea of lavender, this beautiful bouquet blends luxurious roses and alstroemeria with playful snapdragons and bells of Ireland. It's a charming, cheerful gift for any occasion!

Lavender Charm Bouquet


Long Stem Roses by the Dozen
One, two or three dozen magnificent roses complemented with a variety of natural greens, designed in a stylish vase will complete any message. This will show them how special they are. (click for color: yellow, pink, red, peach, white)
Please allow extra time for special color requests.

1 dozen as shown.

Long Stem Roses by the Dozen


Love Sparkles Bouquet
Your love truly sparkles for all to see with this breathtaking red rose bouquet in a vibrant mosaic glass vase

Love Sparkles Bouquet


Rosy Swirls Bouquet
Capture her heart with our pearlescent Teleflora's Rosy Swirls vase, radiating elegance and charm, paired with a bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms, a delightful surprise she'll cherish.

Rosy Swirls Bouquet


Victorian Teacup
Thinking of you, birthday, pick me up, or no special reason is needed to send this sweet flower arrangement. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features a variety of our freshest flowers to match the floral teacup. Teacups vary from photo.

Victorian Teacup




Open Monday ~ Friday 9:00 to 5:00, Saturday 9:00 to 1:00, Closed Sundays     (603) 532-8282   800-308-8286 Like Daffodils on Facebook!