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We can make any occasion special with flowers. We always have a large variety of seasonal flowers on hand and if we don't have them in stock we can get them for you and deliver them when requested.

We also carry a range of novelty flower or plant containers for that special occasion. The Teleflora Smiley Mug and Camero are just a few that are available.

Arrangements in different size vases and baskets are always popular. If you just want to send that special treat of cut flowers, we can wrap a colorful assortment of fresh flowers to fill your own special container at home.


Total Search Results: [ 73 ]

Item Name Image

Campbell's Healthy Wishes
Send your most sincere healthy wishes for a speedy recovery! This beautiful bouquet of bright yellow gerbera daisies and red carnations is perfectly presented in a charming Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup mug that will be enjoyed for years to come.

Campbell's Healthy Wishes


Cascading Blooms Bouquet
Capture the beauty of cascading fall leaves with this heartwarming rose bouquet in a gorgeous, glazed ceramic pitcher that's food safe for serving. Perfect to decorate your table for Thanksgiving or any special occasion.

Cascading Blooms Bouquet


Charming Mosaic Bouquet
Charmed, I'm sure! Sweep her off her feet with this lovely bouquet of pink blooms presented in a magnificent mosaic vase of pearlescent stained glass.

Charming Mosaic Bouquet


Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet
Peaceful and majestic in a large antiqued pot, this wondrous white arrangement is a touching tribute to a bright life, and your unending support.

Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet


Colorful Roses
One dozen bright and cheery roses arranged in a romantic vase with complementing greens and fillers will make anyone happy when receiving these flowers. (Color selections: Yellow, Pink, Red, Peach)
Please allow extra time for special color requests.

Colorful Roses


Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet
Color any occasion beautiful with this lovely bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies in all the colors of the rainbow.

Colors of the Rainbow Bouquet


Country Basket
A rustic looking basket with beautiful variet of colored flowers. Great for any time of year.

Country Basket


Daisy Cheer
This simple basket of bright and cheery flowers would be a delightful addition to any get-together, office or work place.

Daisy Cheer


Divine Peace Bouquet
The cross is stunningly depicted in this glorious bouquet centering around a simple, beautifully crafted keepsake made of crystal. A lovely, inspiring gift that can be given anytime. A keepsake piece to send for a funeral that will never be forgotten.

Divine Peace Bouquet


Divine Peace Deluxe
The cross is stunningly depicted in this glorious bouquet centering around a simple, beautifully crafted keepsake made of crystal. A lovely, inspiring gift that can be given anytime. A keepsake piece to send for a funeral that will never be forgotten.

Divine Peace Deluxe


Open Monday ~ Friday 9:00 to 5:00, Saturday 9:00 to 1:00, Closed Sundays     (603) 532-8282   800-308-8286 Like Daffodils on Facebook!