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We can make any occasion special with flowers. We always have a large variety of seasonal flowers on hand and if we don't have them in stock we can get them for you and deliver them when requested.

We also carry a range of novelty flower or plant containers for that special occasion. The Teleflora Smiley Mug and Camero are just a few that are available.

Arrangements in different size vases and baskets are always popular. If you just want to send that special treat of cut flowers, we can wrap a colorful assortment of fresh flowers to fill your own special container at home.


Total Search Results: [ 72 ]

Item Name Image

Sparkling Delight Bouquet
Sparkle up her day with Teleflora's Sparkling Delight Bouquet, featuring a breathtaking bouquet of roses, lilies, and lavender accents elegantly presented in a sculpted glass vase with a lavender mercury-inspired finish.

Sparkling Delight Bouquet


Spring Sonata
Once in a while, an arrangement is so perfect for so many people and so many occasions, it really is a floral masterpiece. Introducing Spring Sonata. Tulips included when in season.

Spring Sonata


Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet
Add a twinkle to your Christmas with this bouquet of vibrant red roses and fresh winter greens, elegantly arranged in a festive hand-painted ceramic ornament jar adorned with sparkling stars. Afterward, it makes the perfect container for wrapped candies and other holiday treats!

Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet


Sunny Day Pitcher
This bouquet is just bright for any occasion! A bright and sunny medley of flowers is hand-delivered in a brilliant ceramic pitcher that can be joyfully used over and over again.

Sunny Day Pitcher


Sweet Little Wagon Bouquet
Give your welcome some wheels! A childhood classic, this cute red wagon is a whimsical way to send the new family a bright blue and yellow bouquet of roses and alstroemeria.

Sweet Little Wagon Bouquet


Sweetest Flutter Bouquet
Gift her the artisanal charm she loves with our Teleflora's Sweetest Flutter glazed ceramic pitcher, adorned with embossed butterfly detail and a natural base, perfect for year-round use and sure to add a touch of elegance to any table setting.

Sweetest Flutter Bouquet


Sweetest Lavender Bouquet
Sweet as can be, this pretty purple and green bouquet gets a stylish update from a sculpted glass vase with chic opaque finish.

Sweetest Lavender Bouquet


Tender Tribute
Vivid and touching, vibrant reds and serene whites blend in honor and celebration of a life filled with love, light and grace.

Tender Tribute


Thomas Kinkade's Oh What Fun Bouquet
Celebrate the season with this delightful Thomas Kinkade collectible, nestled among festive red roses and winter greens-a memorable gift that lights up with a classic ice skating scene for extra holiday joy.

Thomas Kinkade's Oh What Fun Bouquet


Victorian Teacup
Thinking of you, birthday, pick me up, or no special reason is needed to send this sweet flower arrangement. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features a variety of our freshest flowers to match the floral teacup. Teacups vary from photo.

Victorian Teacup


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