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We can make any occasion special with flowers. We always have a large variety of seasonal flowers on hand and if we don't have them in stock we can get them for you and deliver them when requested.

We also carry a range of novelty flower or plant containers for that special occasion. The Teleflora Smiley Mug and Camero are just a few that are available.

Arrangements in different size vases and baskets are always popular. If you just want to send that special treat of cut flowers, we can wrap a colorful assortment of fresh flowers to fill your own special container at home.


Total Search Results: [ 64 ]

Item Name Image

Sweetest Lavender Bouquet
Sweet as can be, this pretty purple and green bouquet gets a stylish update from a sculpted glass vase with chic opaque finish.

Sweetest Lavender Bouquet


Tender Tribute
Vivid and touching, vibrant reds and serene whites blend in honor and celebration of a life filled with love, light and grace.

Tender Tribute


Welcome Beautiful Bouquet
Give your welcome some wheels! A childhood classic, this cute red wagon is a whimsical way to send the new family a bright pink bouquet of roses, alstroemeria, and carnations.

Welcome Beautiful Bouquet


Yellow & Lavender Bouquet
Need something for someone special? This clear vase with various bright and cheerful flowers will be carefully arranged for a personalized look.

Yellow & Lavender Bouquet


Open Monday ~ Friday 9:00 to 5:00, Saturday 9:00 to 1:00, Closed Sundays     (603) 532-8282   800-308-8286 Like Daffodils on Facebook!