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We offer numerous specialty flower arrangements throughout the year.   Each holiday brings a special feeling to your heart, share that feeling with someone else.

 Our Seasonal Calendar includes:
New Years, Valentines Day, St. Patrick's Day, Palm Sunday, Passover, Easter, Mothers Day, Memorial Day, Fathers Day, Independence Day, Grandparents Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah,  Christmas, and many more! 

  We will customize every order.  Please contact us early for special requests.

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Total Search Results: [ 5 ]

Item Name Image

Cascading Blooms Bouquet
Capture the beauty of cascading fall leaves with this heartwarming rose bouquet in a gorgeous, glazed ceramic pitcher that's food safe for serving. Perfect to decorate your table for Thanksgiving or any special occasion.

Cascading Blooms Bouquet


Enchanted Forest
Capture their admiration with this enchanting fall rose arrangement, elegantly complemented by a vase inspired by tree bark.

Enchanted Forest


Harvest Charm Bouquet
Elegant crème roses blend with the heartwarming hues of autumn in this charming bouquet, artfully arranged in a white lidded pumpkin bowl, a versatile fall decor favorite!

Harvest Charm Bouquet


Majestic Meadow Bouquet
Embrace the charm of autumn's majestic meadow with this heartfelt rose bouquet, presented in a stunning stoneware pitcher with a captivating reactive glaze. This versatile piece is not only a beautiful centerpiece but also food-safe, making it ideal for decorating your table on Thanksgiving or any memorable occasion.

Majestic Meadow Bouquet


Sage Harvest Bouquet
Bring autumn's charm to your table with Teleflora's Sage Harvest Bouquet, a delightful centerpiece adorned with rustic elegance. Nestled in a timeless hand-painted ceramic pumpkin, its exquisite details and warm, earthy hues create a captivating focal point.

Sage Harvest Bouquet




Open Monday ~ Friday 9:00 to 5:00, Saturday 9:00 to 1:00, Closed Sundays     (603) 532-8282   800-308-8286 Like Daffodils on Facebook!