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Eternal Love Bouquet
This bouquet features 18 red roses arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. |
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Garden Girl Bouquet
Fun and feminine, this hot pink bouquet is reminiscent of a spring garden party with friends! Stunning roses, delicate alstroemeria and dramatic snapdragons are hand-delivered in a classic cube vase lined with a green leaf - a surprise gift that'll touch her heart, no matter the occasion. |
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Goodness and Light Bouquet
Add a healthy dose of goodness and light to someone's day with this colorful bouquet! Its bountiful blend of roses, alstroemeria, stock and asters in cheerful shades of pink, yellow and lavender is sure to make them smile |
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Half a Dozen Roses
A tasteful way to show you care. Six exquisite roses are arranged just right for that someone special. Choose from red, white, pink or yellow roses. |
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Hello Beautiful Bouquet
Take their breath away with the beautiful hello that this bouquet brings! A wildly sophisticated array of pale pink roses and lilies with modern greens, it's perfectly presented in a simple white square vase. |
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Iridescent Delight Bouquet
What a delight! Overflowing with pink roses and lavender blooms, this decadent Mother's Day bouquet shines in an iridescent pink glass vase that Mom is sure to adore. |
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Lavender Charm Bouquet
A soothing sea of lavender, this beautiful bouquet blends luxurious roses and alstroemeria with playful snapdragons and bells of Ireland. It's a charming, cheerful gift for any occasion! |
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Long Stem Roses by the Dozen
One, two or three dozen magnificent roses complemented with a variety of natural greens, designed in a stylish vase will complete any message. This will show them how special they are. (click for color: yellow, pink, red, peach, white)
Please allow extra time for special color requests.
1 dozen as shown. |
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Love Sparkles Bouquet
Your love truly sparkles for all to see with this breathtaking red rose bouquet in a vibrant mosaic glass vase |
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Love Struck Bouquet
A luxurious bouquet that's sure to leave your special someone absolutely love struck! There's no denying the dramatic beauty of these radiant, red hot roses, hydrangea and lilies. |
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