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Total Search Results: [ 37 ]

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Mid Mod Brights Bouquet
Two gorgeous gifts in one! Celebrate any occasion with this bouquet of bright blooms, stylishly presented in a mod mid-century ceramic planter keepsake!

Mid Mod Brights Bouquet


Morning Meadow Bouquet
Hand-delivered in a shapely glass vase, this sumptuous arrangement of roses and lilies is a lavish way to celebrate a special day - or surprise someone just because!

Morning Meadow Bouquet


One Fine Day
Oh, what a fine day it will be when you have this delightful bouquet delivered to someone special. Everyone will delight in the vibrant colors and bountiful blossoms, all thoughtfully arranged in a beautiful leaf-lined vase.

One Fine Day


Pink & White Basket
A whitewashed basket overflows with a few stems of pink spray roses and white daisies with complimentary fillers and greens. Just another way to show you care.

Pink & White Basket


Pink Basket
A charming basket of garden style flowers done in mixed pink and other colored flowers is sure to charm anyone.

Pink Basket


Pretty Pastel Bouquet
This pretty arrangement includes lavender alstroemeria, pink carnations, miniature pink carnations, pink stock, purple sinuata statice, parvifolia eucalyptus, and seeded eucalyptus. Delivered in a Clear Glass Ginger Jar.

Pretty Pastel Bouquet


Radiantly Rosy Bouquet
Everything's rosy with Teleflora's Radiantly Rosy Bouquet! Make their day sparkle with this perfect pink rose bouquet and keepsake mosaic glass vase that sparkles in a shimmering soft shade of pink.

Radiantly Rosy Bouquet


Roses by the Dozen
One dozen roses surrounded by delicate gypsophila and complemented with flourishing greens is always received with delight.

Roses by the Dozen


Roses by the Dozen
One dozen roses with a variety of garden accent greens will express your caring wishes to that special someone. This classic vase is filled with style and grace.

Roses by the Dozen


Rosy Swirls Bouquet
Capture her heart with our pearlescent Teleflora's Rosy Swirls vase, radiating elegance and charm, paired with a bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms, a delightful surprise she'll cherish.

Rosy Swirls Bouquet




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