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Roses by the Dozen
One dozen roses surrounded by delicate gypsophila and complemented with flourishing greens is always received with delight.
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Roses by the Dozen
One dozen roses with a variety of garden accent greens will express your caring wishes to that special someone. This classic vase is filled with style and grace.
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Rosy Swirls Bouquet
Capture Mom's heart with our pearlescent Teleflora's Rosy Swirls vase, radiating elegance and charm, paired with a bouquet of pink roses and lavender blooms, a delightful Mother's Day surprise she'll cherish. |
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Sophisticated Love Bouquet
Show your love in a most sophisticated way with this decadent red and pink bouquet, delivered in a breathtaking vase of European glass with ombre metallic finish. |
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Sparkling Delight Bouquet
Sparkle up her day with Teleflora's Sparkling Delight Bouquet, featuring a breathtaking bouquet of roses, lilies, and lavender accents elegantly presented in a sculpted glass vase with a lavender mercury-inspired finish. |
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Spring Sonata
Once in a while, an arrangement is so perfect for so many people and so many occasions, it really is a floral masterpiece. Introducing Spring Sonata. Tulips included when in season. |
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Sunny Day Pitcher
This bouquet is just bright for any occasion! A bright and sunny medley of flowers is hand-delivered in a brilliant ceramic pitcher that can be joyfully used over and over again. |
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Sweetest Flutter Bouquet
Gift her the artisanal charm she loves with our Teleflora's Sweetest Flutter glazed ceramic pitcher, adorned with embossed butterfly detail and a natural base, perfect for year-round use and sure to add a touch of elegance to any table setting. |
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Sweetest Lavender Bouquet
Sweet as can be, this pretty purple and green bouquet gets a stylish update from a sculpted glass vase with chic opaque finish. |
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Victorian Teacup
Thinking of you, birthday, pick me up, or no special reason is needed to send this sweet flower arrangement. This charming, old-fashioned bouquet features a variety of our freshest flowers to match the floral teacup. Teacups vary from photo. |
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